We woke up just before 8am so we would be able to make the ferry to Pulau Weh at 9 o'clock. If it was running! Darryl went to the hotel reception armed with the ferry company's telephone number. He tried in his best Indonesian (fairly non existant) and with the aid of a picture or 2, explained to the nice lady that we needed to find out if there would be a ferry today. She kindly made the phone call for us and was ready to ask the big question when they answered - 'Are you sailing today?' .... but there was no answer!
To cut a Long story short. The ferry was running and we made it to the port just in time to board the boat. Christine spent her time on the ferry chatting to a very interesting lady, who had many stories to share about her work following the tsunami. She had even worked for the World Bank. Darryl seemed to spend his time being a good samaritan. First, finding a seat for an older gentleman. Next, returning a pen to a man who had dropped it from his pocket and finally ... helping a man holding a small child, pick up his money.
The ferry arrived 2 hours later, we got in a taxi and were in Iboih beach in no time at all. First stop, food. Bakso (noodle soup plus meatballs) and Roti (a bit like a pancake). Mmmm.
Christine was tasked with finding us a bungalow to stay in on the beach. It needed to be one that would not blow the budget! Task accomplished ... Well almost, the bungalow is about 20 metres from the beach and because of that she got it for an amazing price.
While Christine was bungalow hunting, Darryl chatted to 2 Polish girls we had shared a taxi with a few nights ago. When Christine returned, we all agreed to share a boat for a snorkelling trip to Rubiah Island. We negotiated a boat with a local, who agreed to pick us up from a small pier. However, we couldn't use the pier as the steps down to it were broken. He picked us up further down the coast at another pier but here it wasn't so easy. Waves and rocks made getting in the boat more than a little risky but in the end we all made it!
Rubiah Island is only about 100m away but the current running between the islands was fierce. We were dropped off and had to walk for around 5 minutes to a snorkelling spot on the other side. Snorkelling was great, we saw so many fish and a huge moray eel poking out from the coral.
The journey back was a little easier as we landed on the original pontoon. No rocks, no waves and they had repaired the steps whilst we were gone.
The rest of the evening was spent watching the spring tide bring waves pounding up the beach. The wind blew and the rain lashed the little restaurant we were huddled in! Then there was a powercut so an early night for us!

To cut a Long story short. The ferry was running and we made it to the port just in time to board the boat. Christine spent her time on the ferry chatting to a very interesting lady, who had many stories to share about her work following the tsunami. She had even worked for the World Bank. Darryl seemed to spend his time being a good samaritan. First, finding a seat for an older gentleman. Next, returning a pen to a man who had dropped it from his pocket and finally ... helping a man holding a small child, pick up his money.
The ferry arrived 2 hours later, we got in a taxi and were in Iboih beach in no time at all. First stop, food. Bakso (noodle soup plus meatballs) and Roti (a bit like a pancake). Mmmm.
Christine was tasked with finding us a bungalow to stay in on the beach. It needed to be one that would not blow the budget! Task accomplished ... Well almost, the bungalow is about 20 metres from the beach and because of that she got it for an amazing price.
While Christine was bungalow hunting, Darryl chatted to 2 Polish girls we had shared a taxi with a few nights ago. When Christine returned, we all agreed to share a boat for a snorkelling trip to Rubiah Island. We negotiated a boat with a local, who agreed to pick us up from a small pier. However, we couldn't use the pier as the steps down to it were broken. He picked us up further down the coast at another pier but here it wasn't so easy. Waves and rocks made getting in the boat more than a little risky but in the end we all made it!
Rubiah Island is only about 100m away but the current running between the islands was fierce. We were dropped off and had to walk for around 5 minutes to a snorkelling spot on the other side. Snorkelling was great, we saw so many fish and a huge moray eel poking out from the coral.
The journey back was a little easier as we landed on the original pontoon. No rocks, no waves and they had repaired the steps whilst we were gone.
The rest of the evening was spent watching the spring tide bring waves pounding up the beach. The wind blew and the rain lashed the little restaurant we were huddled in! Then there was a powercut so an early night for us!