After eating some of our delicious scaley lizard fruit for breakfast, it was time to give our boogie boarding another try. One of the boards is already broken in 2 and being held together by its outer casing ... Oops!
The waves today initially appeared a little smaller than yesterday but that soon changed. After the tide had gone out a little they increased enough to give us a few interesting wipeouts! With a backdrop of volcanoes and a cloudless sky, it was a perfect scene.
Darryl kicked something that felt unusual underwater. He put his hands under and pulled out a very nice fishing rod and reel?!
Lunch was at a small cafe that had a big sign saying 'Chinese Food'. There didn't seem to be any Chinese food on the menu, so we ate Nasi goreng, standard Indonesian fayre and it was delicious.
After removing the salt from our bodies by taking a very welcome cold shower, we went in search of the Pelni ferry office. It was quite a walk, but we needed information about a ferry that only runs every 2 weeks. When we finally arrived the ticket office was ... CLOSED! Luckily, there were some Pelni offices on the same site and a very kind man was able to help. Phew ...
Next stop was to arrange tomorrow's bus ticket to Ubud. We have heard some interesting things about this place, especially related to the movie, Eat, Pray, Love starring Julia Roberts! Bus ticket booked, now we just hope they can find our homestay down the narrow backstreets to pick us up.
The evening was spent preventing Christine from buying everything she saw from beautiful Balinese lamps to giant, colouful model giraffes.

The waves today initially appeared a little smaller than yesterday but that soon changed. After the tide had gone out a little they increased enough to give us a few interesting wipeouts! With a backdrop of volcanoes and a cloudless sky, it was a perfect scene.
Darryl kicked something that felt unusual underwater. He put his hands under and pulled out a very nice fishing rod and reel?!
Lunch was at a small cafe that had a big sign saying 'Chinese Food'. There didn't seem to be any Chinese food on the menu, so we ate Nasi goreng, standard Indonesian fayre and it was delicious.
After removing the salt from our bodies by taking a very welcome cold shower, we went in search of the Pelni ferry office. It was quite a walk, but we needed information about a ferry that only runs every 2 weeks. When we finally arrived the ticket office was ... CLOSED! Luckily, there were some Pelni offices on the same site and a very kind man was able to help. Phew ...
Next stop was to arrange tomorrow's bus ticket to Ubud. We have heard some interesting things about this place, especially related to the movie, Eat, Pray, Love starring Julia Roberts! Bus ticket booked, now we just hope they can find our homestay down the narrow backstreets to pick us up.
The evening was spent preventing Christine from buying everything she saw from beautiful Balinese lamps to giant, colouful model giraffes.