We both headed out to sea for our early morning snorkel and saw a 'real' clown fish, which was so pretty! Everyday we spot something new and today whilst heading for home we spotted some tiny little upside down jellyfish on a sandy area. They were really quaint!
After we had dried out, we spent the morning collecting shells with holes on the beach. We were helping the little girl who lives here make a necklace, so the holes were important to thread the fishing line through! We also collected dead sea urchins in loads of different colours and made a musical instrument.
Many places were closed today but we managed to find some food at the local springs. It was 'buy one, take one' (BOGOF) on hamburgers so we tried them out. They were really nice, with a choice of cheese or egg topping. We decided we could eat more so tried fried bananas in sugar, followed by cheesy popcorn! Still not content with our peculiar combination, Darryl went for an ice cream. The choice of flavours; cookies and cream or .... cheese! Easy decision.
The afternoon was spent playing games with the little girl. An interesting version of scrabble materialised. When you're age 6 and your 2nd language is English, spelling tends to be rather tricky but making animal shapes with the letters is great! Please see photo below of man riding a dog?! Tiring of 'Scrabble', the little girl wanted to swim, so donned her life jacket and off we went! Darryl lent her his mask and snorkel and she searched for fish and shells without a care in the world!
Earlier in the day we had spent some time talking to a friendly lady who has a stall at the market where we buy mangos. Today she had no mangos and explained that they were out of season but she is expecting a delivery from Mindano island tomorrow. She also happened to mention that tonight is her market's Christmas party for all stall holders, of which there are about 10. How interesting, we thought, tonight we'll take a little peek at the party. As we walked on we saw the local men preparing a pig for roasting at the party.
After dark we walked into town and stood a little way back, watching the party unfold. They were having such fun, everyone was laughing together and they played some great party games which they all found hilarious! One was a caterpillar relay around your team mates. Each time you returned to the start, another person joined the caterpillar. A second game was a jumping game. A lady called out 'jump left' or 'jump right' and they had to follow the instructions. Make a mistake and you were out!
All was going well and we were having so much fun watching the laughter, when the lady from the market spotted us spying on the party. She took us over to where the action was taking place, sat us down, uncovered all the party food from earlier, armed us with plates and glasses and we were told to tuck in! We were now gate crashing the San Juan market Christmas party. The games stopped and they handed everyone a Christmas present. On a countdown from 10, everyone opened their presents. They were laughing so much it was totally contagious.
On came the dance music and off they went. Dancing their hearts out. Christine was beckoned to the dance floor by a lovely older gentlemen and did England proud with her slick chicken like dance moves! Darryl ended up dancing with a young fellow of about 7, who had all the moves. They faced each other in what looked like a serious dance off but Darryl had no chance against this little dude. The music changed from English songs to local dialect and a cheer came from the crowd as they all started a rather obscure dance! The little boy tried to teach Darryl how to do the moves. You bring your knees together, bend forward and gyrate your hips! Christine was sitting out for this one, crying with laughter at Darryl, now being helped by various other members of the party to perfect the moves!
Time for karaoke. The Filopino's love karaoke! Once they get the mic they sing so loudly and proudly. It is amazing to see. Even if they are incredible singers or totally off key the crowd roars with encouragement. Whilst happily trying to sing along to himself to Lady GaGa, Darryl was passed the mic. Oh, oh ... not doing a great job for the English contigent, he tried his best, before running to the sideline for a rest. Ever popular Christine was up again dancing her socks off. The local police had popped in and one of them asked for a dance with Christine too. Heavily armed, how could she possibly refuse. When you see Christine you must ask her about her police dancing experience, though she may be a little shy!
Picture this ... a huge purpose made karaoke machine, with a money slot at the front and a contender for the world's largest speaker below, full volume blaring. The words on the small screen in local dialect (possibly Visaya). 2 gangly English backpackers (us) dancing wildly, the song playing ... Gangnam style! Boy, did we show 'em!
What a night. What incredible kindness and selfless hospitality. All we did was ask to buy a mango! Next time your boss tells you, "We won't be holding a Christmas party this year, there's no money!" Remind him of these people. The local market traders in San Juan who haven't a penny between them. How their community spirit is awe inspiring. How they laugh and joke together, not at each other, but together! Smiles and laughter are free, we can all have a party!
A true lesson learned for us...

After we had dried out, we spent the morning collecting shells with holes on the beach. We were helping the little girl who lives here make a necklace, so the holes were important to thread the fishing line through! We also collected dead sea urchins in loads of different colours and made a musical instrument.
Many places were closed today but we managed to find some food at the local springs. It was 'buy one, take one' (BOGOF) on hamburgers so we tried them out. They were really nice, with a choice of cheese or egg topping. We decided we could eat more so tried fried bananas in sugar, followed by cheesy popcorn! Still not content with our peculiar combination, Darryl went for an ice cream. The choice of flavours; cookies and cream or .... cheese! Easy decision.
The afternoon was spent playing games with the little girl. An interesting version of scrabble materialised. When you're age 6 and your 2nd language is English, spelling tends to be rather tricky but making animal shapes with the letters is great! Please see photo below of man riding a dog?! Tiring of 'Scrabble', the little girl wanted to swim, so donned her life jacket and off we went! Darryl lent her his mask and snorkel and she searched for fish and shells without a care in the world!
Earlier in the day we had spent some time talking to a friendly lady who has a stall at the market where we buy mangos. Today she had no mangos and explained that they were out of season but she is expecting a delivery from Mindano island tomorrow. She also happened to mention that tonight is her market's Christmas party for all stall holders, of which there are about 10. How interesting, we thought, tonight we'll take a little peek at the party. As we walked on we saw the local men preparing a pig for roasting at the party.
After dark we walked into town and stood a little way back, watching the party unfold. They were having such fun, everyone was laughing together and they played some great party games which they all found hilarious! One was a caterpillar relay around your team mates. Each time you returned to the start, another person joined the caterpillar. A second game was a jumping game. A lady called out 'jump left' or 'jump right' and they had to follow the instructions. Make a mistake and you were out!
All was going well and we were having so much fun watching the laughter, when the lady from the market spotted us spying on the party. She took us over to where the action was taking place, sat us down, uncovered all the party food from earlier, armed us with plates and glasses and we were told to tuck in! We were now gate crashing the San Juan market Christmas party. The games stopped and they handed everyone a Christmas present. On a countdown from 10, everyone opened their presents. They were laughing so much it was totally contagious.
On came the dance music and off they went. Dancing their hearts out. Christine was beckoned to the dance floor by a lovely older gentlemen and did England proud with her slick chicken like dance moves! Darryl ended up dancing with a young fellow of about 7, who had all the moves. They faced each other in what looked like a serious dance off but Darryl had no chance against this little dude. The music changed from English songs to local dialect and a cheer came from the crowd as they all started a rather obscure dance! The little boy tried to teach Darryl how to do the moves. You bring your knees together, bend forward and gyrate your hips! Christine was sitting out for this one, crying with laughter at Darryl, now being helped by various other members of the party to perfect the moves!
Time for karaoke. The Filopino's love karaoke! Once they get the mic they sing so loudly and proudly. It is amazing to see. Even if they are incredible singers or totally off key the crowd roars with encouragement. Whilst happily trying to sing along to himself to Lady GaGa, Darryl was passed the mic. Oh, oh ... not doing a great job for the English contigent, he tried his best, before running to the sideline for a rest. Ever popular Christine was up again dancing her socks off. The local police had popped in and one of them asked for a dance with Christine too. Heavily armed, how could she possibly refuse. When you see Christine you must ask her about her police dancing experience, though she may be a little shy!
Picture this ... a huge purpose made karaoke machine, with a money slot at the front and a contender for the world's largest speaker below, full volume blaring. The words on the small screen in local dialect (possibly Visaya). 2 gangly English backpackers (us) dancing wildly, the song playing ... Gangnam style! Boy, did we show 'em!
What a night. What incredible kindness and selfless hospitality. All we did was ask to buy a mango! Next time your boss tells you, "We won't be holding a Christmas party this year, there's no money!" Remind him of these people. The local market traders in San Juan who haven't a penny between them. How their community spirit is awe inspiring. How they laugh and joke together, not at each other, but together! Smiles and laughter are free, we can all have a party!
A true lesson learned for us...