This morning it was time to leave our island paradise and head back to Dumaguete. We walked to the road junction where we were dropped off by the jeepney on our arrival. However, common sense did not prevail and a friendly lady explained that although the jeepney came that way, they only travel back to the ferry from the 'main highway', the one we had just walked from! In the end, we caught a tricycle to the port just in time to catch the next ferry leaving.
We secured a bed for the night and went into town for lunch. After eating the most delicious meal, Christine chose to look for a hairdresser. After checking out a few, she decided on the one that she liked the look of the most and it also helped when the salon manager claimed he could make Christine look like Angelina Jolie! Many helpers later, one with a cool gecko shaved on his head, the hairstyle was complete. Satisfied with the results, though a little disappointed with the promised transformation to Angelina, we went for a well deserved ice cream!
In the evening we treated ourselves to pizza, again and ordered a nice big salad to go with it. After eating half the pizza, the waitress returned to the table. She informed us there was no salad left. No problem. We finished off the pizza, paid up and decided to get a dessert instead, from the small cafe opposite. At the cafe, we asked for a halo halo, which is a dessert we have taken rather a liking to. The reply from the girl behind the counter, "Sorry, sold out!"
We left hungry and retired for the night, beat .... ;-)

We secured a bed for the night and went into town for lunch. After eating the most delicious meal, Christine chose to look for a hairdresser. After checking out a few, she decided on the one that she liked the look of the most and it also helped when the salon manager claimed he could make Christine look like Angelina Jolie! Many helpers later, one with a cool gecko shaved on his head, the hairstyle was complete. Satisfied with the results, though a little disappointed with the promised transformation to Angelina, we went for a well deserved ice cream!
In the evening we treated ourselves to pizza, again and ordered a nice big salad to go with it. After eating half the pizza, the waitress returned to the table. She informed us there was no salad left. No problem. We finished off the pizza, paid up and decided to get a dessert instead, from the small cafe opposite. At the cafe, we asked for a halo halo, which is a dessert we have taken rather a liking to. The reply from the girl behind the counter, "Sorry, sold out!"
We left hungry and retired for the night, beat .... ;-)