The army were up really early polishing their shoes and buckles ready for the important day ahead. They welcomed us in to share their breakfast by the river. They really took care of us! After eating with the army, the police then insisted we ate with them too!
The villagers started to arrive in their brightly coloured Karen dress. They were all magnificently turned out and all the children looked immaculate in their school uniforms. We are sure there were more soldiers and police present than villagers.
The princess has a Trust which donates to 200 border police schools and there is a rolling programme for her to visit different schools each year. Today she was due to visit 3 schools.
The princess was due at this village at 10am, so we all sat under a large canopy to wait for her arrival. We waited, and waited... about 2 hours later she arrives. She was ushered quickly to a room at the back to have lunch. We were all then excused to have lunch too! Once again we were invited to share with the army and police, which was so amazing!
After we had eaten we all returned to our spots and the princess had a tour of the school. She was given a number of gifts by the different groups that she sponsored in the village. A truly incredible, once in a lifetime experience! The princess left in a huge convoy of 4WD security vehicles which took her back to her helicopter. Soon after we were all allowed to leave too, so we began walking out of the village with the locals. We were offered a lift by a huge 4WD Toyota open back pickup and we had to stand in the back! It was an amazing journey out of the jungle. Along the steep muddy tracks, ducking under trees and through a pretty deep stream! Wow, a real adventure in an amazing vehicle! When the road improved we transferred to a mini bus and some very kind people gave us a lift back to Sangkhlaburi.
The latest, as far as we know, from the protests in Bangkok. The protesters are trying to break into Government House using a fire engine, a dustbin lorry and JCB, so far unsuccessfully. A lot of tear gas and water cannons have been used but the protests continue.

The villagers started to arrive in their brightly coloured Karen dress. They were all magnificently turned out and all the children looked immaculate in their school uniforms. We are sure there were more soldiers and police present than villagers.
The princess has a Trust which donates to 200 border police schools and there is a rolling programme for her to visit different schools each year. Today she was due to visit 3 schools.
The princess was due at this village at 10am, so we all sat under a large canopy to wait for her arrival. We waited, and waited... about 2 hours later she arrives. She was ushered quickly to a room at the back to have lunch. We were all then excused to have lunch too! Once again we were invited to share with the army and police, which was so amazing!
After we had eaten we all returned to our spots and the princess had a tour of the school. She was given a number of gifts by the different groups that she sponsored in the village. A truly incredible, once in a lifetime experience! The princess left in a huge convoy of 4WD security vehicles which took her back to her helicopter. Soon after we were all allowed to leave too, so we began walking out of the village with the locals. We were offered a lift by a huge 4WD Toyota open back pickup and we had to stand in the back! It was an amazing journey out of the jungle. Along the steep muddy tracks, ducking under trees and through a pretty deep stream! Wow, a real adventure in an amazing vehicle! When the road improved we transferred to a mini bus and some very kind people gave us a lift back to Sangkhlaburi.
The latest, as far as we know, from the protests in Bangkok. The protesters are trying to break into Government House using a fire engine, a dustbin lorry and JCB, so far unsuccessfully. A lot of tear gas and water cannons have been used but the protests continue.