Caught the 7am bus to Kratie. We were picked up just as we'd ordered pancakes for breakfast, so we took them with us on the bus.
The scenery on the route was spectacular. Bright green paddy fields, water buffalo, villages of houses on stilts over the water and people working in the fields. We stopped for a comfort break after a few hours, and there were a few little market stalls selling snacks. There were potato and what looked like beetroot chips. Fresh fruit which looked a little like grapefruit and BUGS! Fried crickets, big and small but the star of the show.... Tarantulas. Christine didn't notice them initially but when I met her walking back from the toilets she spotted that I was carrying a small plastic bag. I am certain she has some weird super power and as she saw me, she knew immediatey what was in the bag. She stepped away (she's a scaredy cat when spiders are concerned) from me as I drew the hairy critter from the bag. I took a few bites... it tasted fine and was covered in some sort of oil and spices! Christine didn't fancy her share...
Arrived in Kratie to a dragon boat festival that occurs only once a year. How lucky? We watched some races and strolled the river bank.

The scenery on the route was spectacular. Bright green paddy fields, water buffalo, villages of houses on stilts over the water and people working in the fields. We stopped for a comfort break after a few hours, and there were a few little market stalls selling snacks. There were potato and what looked like beetroot chips. Fresh fruit which looked a little like grapefruit and BUGS! Fried crickets, big and small but the star of the show.... Tarantulas. Christine didn't notice them initially but when I met her walking back from the toilets she spotted that I was carrying a small plastic bag. I am certain she has some weird super power and as she saw me, she knew immediatey what was in the bag. She stepped away (she's a scaredy cat when spiders are concerned) from me as I drew the hairy critter from the bag. I took a few bites... it tasted fine and was covered in some sort of oil and spices! Christine didn't fancy her share...
Arrived in Kratie to a dragon boat festival that occurs only once a year. How lucky? We watched some races and strolled the river bank.