The bus picked us up at 8 to head off for a full day of adventure. First we travelled to what was once a French hill station on Bokor mountain, in the national park. There were lots of old buildings that had been abandoned and never restored because of fighting in the area. The view from the mountain top was magnificent. You could see across the whole jungle to the sea. We took a walk down to one building (may be the king's villa) and heard what we thought a dog's bark. It went on for a while... so we thought we'd investigate, with caution, as it seemed to be coming from inside the building! We looked all around and in each room but couldn't find anything. Christine did spot some paw prints but where was the dog? We gave up and told the next 2 people heading towards the building what we'd heard. After a little snooping around they came to the conclusion that the noise was coming from a frog, living inside a water tank. The tank was amplifying the sound the frog was making and distorting it to sound just like a dog! Weird!
We had lunch by a waterfall in the park before heading off on the next part of our adventure, the sunset boat cruise.
We travelled along the river admiring the view for about an hour. There were small local houses, many beautiful trees, wonderful mountains creating a stunning backdrop... and then the sunset creating the most incredible and beautiful scene! Absolutely stunning.
The boat returned to the village and we spent the rest if the evening helping Alex, who we had met on the trip, celebrate her birthday.

We had lunch by a waterfall in the park before heading off on the next part of our adventure, the sunset boat cruise.
We travelled along the river admiring the view for about an hour. There were small local houses, many beautiful trees, wonderful mountains creating a stunning backdrop... and then the sunset creating the most incredible and beautiful scene! Absolutely stunning.
The boat returned to the village and we spent the rest if the evening helping Alex, who we had met on the trip, celebrate her birthday.