At 6.40 we headed for a different bus to get us to the panda base. In fact 3 buses in total. All we needed to do was count the number of stops, then change to the next busy. Easy?! But... after we had counted 19 stops as our instructions stated, we were dropped off in the middle of nowhere! Yikes! Christine thought she had seen written on a previous stop the bus number we needed, so we followed our route back about 4 stops. And, she was right, phew. We caught the bus and started counting again but only 8 stops. What could possibly go wrong?! Well, after 5 stops the driver stopped the bus and along with all of the other passengers shouted something at us. Why? What had we done wrong! They persisted with their shouting whilst we sat staring and the bus didn't move. Strange....Maybe we had arrived. Sure enough 5 stops it was. We had arrived!
The panda base was amazing with a lovely area for their enclosures. There were big giant pandas, small giant pandas and baby giant pandas too. Even red pandas. We took loads of photos! There was also a lake with black swans and gigantic koi carp.
We caught the buses back home but all we had to do is count the correct number of stops which we now knew. Great we'd get home easily....
Err, no... on the way home the bus followed a different route and ended up at a bus station! We looked around trying to figure out where we were, when luckily we spotted a metro station and we knew we could take the metro home.
Out for a walk this afternoon we saw some school girls aged about 6. They were dressed in jazz dance costumes. Once they had spotted us we had to have our photos taken with them... as we look different!
Whilst eating some of the tastiest food of our trip we heard the 'happy birthday' tune blaring out behind us. So, we turned around to check. Expecting to see an ice cream van, we were fairly surprised to see a road sweeping vehicle blasting out the tune!

The panda base was amazing with a lovely area for their enclosures. There were big giant pandas, small giant pandas and baby giant pandas too. Even red pandas. We took loads of photos! There was also a lake with black swans and gigantic koi carp.
We caught the buses back home but all we had to do is count the correct number of stops which we now knew. Great we'd get home easily....
Err, no... on the way home the bus followed a different route and ended up at a bus station! We looked around trying to figure out where we were, when luckily we spotted a metro station and we knew we could take the metro home.
Out for a walk this afternoon we saw some school girls aged about 6. They were dressed in jazz dance costumes. Once they had spotted us we had to have our photos taken with them... as we look different!
Whilst eating some of the tastiest food of our trip we heard the 'happy birthday' tune blaring out behind us. So, we turned around to check. Expecting to see an ice cream van, we were fairly surprised to see a road sweeping vehicle blasting out the tune!