Tuesday 27 May 2014

Morning arrives

We were awake early (well, most of the night).... The local people all seemed to use the onboard showers for their morning wash but the showers and toilets were in the same room. We really only went near there if absolutely necessary!

Our day was spent trying to snooze, walking the decks and standing on top of people. We tried to stay in the shade and protect ourselves from the sun, which at times proved hard. The only place that had any floor space free was the top deck which was totally in the sun!

The crew emptied huge wheelie bins off the back of the boat full of plastic rubbish. We watched as it floated away towards the nearest beach. We found this very hard to deal with, knowing the environmental impact of their actions and what a little education could do to change it. We got hit occassionally from rubbish from the deck above which never quite made it overboard....

The local people were really friendly and would often strike up a conversation. It usually began with, the question, "Where are you going?"

We could see the high rise buildings of Makassar in the distance and about 2 hours later, we were docked. One young boy instantly tried to board the boat and was kept from boarding by a man who persuaded him to get off .... with a big stick!

Getting off was as interesting as getting on the boat. People pushing and shoving to get through. We eventually made it out past the crowds and found a nice little restaurant for lunch. We continued on to find a hotel before having an afternoon nap.

We woke up to find it was dark outside and headed out for dinner!