Saturday 31 May 2014

Gunung Sesean

We arranged breakfast for 7am and even a packed lunch using the guidebook to help with the language. A short walk along road led us to a local store, where we asked directions. We were helped by a kind lady who showed us the way to the start of the path up Gunung Sesean, a 2009m mountain.

The track was steep and slippery. Thick mud, tree roots and short scrambling sections made it very difficult, especially as the path forked off at every corner. Guessing which fork to take was adding to the difficulty! Although they probably all led to the top, we couldn't be sure so drew arrows in the mud and left small markers ... just in case! Getting lost would have been a pain but there appeared to be small villages in every direction.

We met a group of local forestry rangers camping near the top. They were great to talk with and were having so much fun together. Indonesia people seem to spend their whole day smiling and laughing!

The view from the top was wonderful but a sheer drop on one side was a little scary to look over. The view was interrupted by cloud rising from the valley and you could see it split, travel around the mountain and then reform the other side!

Getting down was even harder than climbing up! Slipping constantly we were extremely cautious. Many short sections tackled on all fours or occasionally sliding on our bottoms.

When we finally made it safely down, we rested at a small store and ate the only really available food ... pot noodle. 2 tasks were essential for the remaining part of the afternoon, washing us and our clothes. No hot, luxurious power shower here, just a bucket of ice cold water!

Scrabble kept us occupied until around 9pm, when exhaustion took over and bed was calling.