Saturday 12 April 2014

Heading to the adrenaline capital

Up earlier than expected, eventually realising that last night the clocks went back! We drove into Te Anau and had breakfast before exploring the souvenir shops. Time flew by and before we knew it, it was lunchtime.

We decided on a picnic by the lake, which was a great spot. Moored on buoys in the lake was a small plane with floats and a yacht. A sight you don't see too often!

After lunch we drove towards Queenstown, around 200km away. Stopping enroute to fire up the camp stove for the mandatory cup of tea and gingernuts. The scenery on the way was nice but dramatically improved to ... amazing as we approached Queenstown.

Queenstown reminded us of a European ski resort but with a huge lake in the centre. There were loads of tour shops selling bungi jumps, paragliding, skydiving, jet boat rides etc. etc and many outdoor ski/camping shops. We spotted a number of nice restaurants too but a little pricey!

In the centre we saw the day tripper boat which was a 1912 steamer and a fancy jetski painted to look like a shark. New meets old for sure!

After roaming the streets we headed out of town to find a quiet spot to pitch our tent for the night.