Sunday 9 March 2014


The boys were up at a reasonable hour and went straight to the beach. Our friend's dogs ran wild, Darryl took a dip in the waves and the weather was glorious! A lovely beach ...

Next, off to a rock and roll vintage car show with many American hot rods. The girls at the show were dressed in their 50's costumes and looked very glam! There was live music, little stalls of 50's memorabilia and rock and roll dancers. Very cool!

Following this the boys took a drive to a beautiful viewpoint. They were going to take the Harley motorbike but the weather was a little too warm, so they went in the immaculately restored 5.7 litre 1964 Holden ute (pickup). The car was beautifully polished and certainly turned heads. Wow! Back at base, the boys met up with the girls, who had been to a play park and driven home from Sydney.

Reunited, we spent the evening in the hot tub and eating!